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What To Do If Your Child is Missing

A missing child is a parent’s nightmare. Unfortunately, a child is reported missing about every 40 seconds. There are some things to do to prevent losing them as well as what to do if you do.

We see it every day, posters of missing persons many of which are children. Some of us have even been guilty of thinking “that could never happen to me and my child.” The sad truth is, losing a child is something that can happen to anyone, that’s why it’s important to do everything possible to lower your chances of it happening to you.

Having a frank conversation with your child is the first step in ensuring their safety. Some parents prefer to avoid telling their children about the dangers of abduction or being lost, and although it is important to explain things in a way that they can understand without upsetting them too much, your child should know that there are dangerous out there and that they should be leery of them.

Teach your child that they should never go anywhere with someone they don’t know. Many predators will claim to be friends or family to gain a child’s confidence before luring them away. Tell your child that you would never send someone they don’t know to take them anywhere. Along with that, they should never accept gifts from a stranger or follow them anywhere for any reason.

Not every abductor attempts to lure a child, some will instead attempt to drag them away as quickly as possible, even in public. Almost every person when asked will say that if they thought they saw a child being kidnapped would jump into action. However, people are often hesitant to say anything when they see a child screaming and being dragged because they don’t want to intervene with a parent who’s child is having a temper tantrum. Teach your child to scream “not my parent,” instead of simply screaming. This is unmistakable to anyone who may be on the fence about whether to step in or not.

Whenever you go out, it’s important to know exactly what your child is wearing. It doesn’t hurt to even take a picture of them before you leave to guarantee you have a recent picture of them in case they do go missing. To help your child stand out in a crowd it also helps to dress them in bright colors. You should also write your name, your phone number and a close relatives phone number (in case you lose your phone), on an item of their clothing. Inside their shoe is a great place to put this and you should teach your child to show it to someone if they are lost.

Avoid clothing that has your child’s name on it. As cute as those custom backpacks are, predators use that as a way to gain your child’s confidence.

If your child does get lost, they should know to not go looking for you on their own. Not only do they run the risk of getting further away from you but they may also go into secluded areas that make them easier targets. Instead of looking alone, they should know who to approach for help. Depending on where they are they may need to look for someone in a uniform like a guard at a sports stadium or a cashier at a supermarket. Your child can also look for a mom with kids.

It’s a good idea to also teach your child your real first name and tell them that if they are ever separated from you to call you by your real name instead of mommy. Believe it or not, you are more likely to hear your own name versus “mom” or “mommy,” especially if you didn’t notice your child wasn’t with you.

Telling your child to do all of these things is not enough, it’s important to say it multiple times and make it a part of everyday life. Role-play with your child, pretend to be separated from them ( make sure they are aware you are pretending) and ask them what should they do. You can ask them to pretend you are a stranger and what they should say if you were trying to convince them to go away with you. The more you practice and talk about it, the more prepared your child will be if it were to happen to them.


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