
Tips for Dealing with Morning Sickness

Pregnancy and morning sickness go hand in hand. And although unfortunately there is no cure, there are some things you can do to make it more manageable.

  • Don’t eat your entire meal until you are sure your stomach can handle it. Try eating a small snack, then if it agrees with you, fill up!
  • Be sure to carry some items to clean up your mouth in case you do vomit. Throw some wipes, gum, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and anything else to help you feel better into a bag and carry it with you.
  • Talk to other mothers. Not every remedy works for everyone and sometimes it’s the most outrageous things that others swear by that will work for you too.
  • Cut a lemon in half and smell it. The fresh smell of citrus helps calm the feeling of nausea. It can also help to carry a little lemon extract for those times you run into less than pleasant odors that upset your over-sensitive sense of smell.
  • Try ginger in any form. From ginger in your tea to gingersnaps, this root is a proven soother of upset tummies. Plenty of Michiganders swear by Vernors, and the ginger is key.
  • Talk to your doctor if your nausea is severe or preventing you from normal activities. They can recommend supplements and even prescribe medication if they determine you need it.
  • Steer clear of spicy foods. The food itself may not trigger nausea, but it’s the very last thing you want to bring back up.
  • Pay attention to what sets off a wave of nausea. Maybe you always get sick during a specific time of day because a particular smell is tied to it. Despite the name, morning sickness can occur at any time of day, like at night when your partner eats a bowl of cereal so sweet you can smell the sugar on it. The more you know about what triggers your nausea, the better you will be able to avoid it.
  • Morning sickness is typically most severe around the seventh or eighth week of pregnancy. You may opt to take planned sick or vacation time off from work to help cut down on the strain of juggling both.
  • Sip water throughout the day. Eating salty foods can sometimes help settle your stomach and increase your desire to drink water which will help prevent nausea in the first place.
  • Finally, don’t get overwhelmed. A lot of people are going to have advice, and you may try a lot of things that won’t work. It’s important to take things slowly because stress will not only make you feel worse, it won’t make anything better. Keep trying different things and don’t be ashamed of doing the things that make you feel better.


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