
How to Avoid Sports Injuries

Being active is important for the growth of healthy children. Participating in sports not only keeps kids active but also teaches them valuable lessons. One lesson you hope they never learn though is getting hurt.

Sports injuries are a common occurrence.  Two kids run to catch a fly ball and collide into each other, someone forgets to drink enough water and becomes dehydrated, the list goes on. Fear of injury should not deter you from enrolling your child in a sport though, especially when there are so many ways to prevent injury. Here are some things you need to prevent children getting hurt:

Adult Supervision

One of the most important things is to ensure that every game and practice is overseen by a responsible adult. Not only should this person be able to act quickly in case of an injury, but they should also be able to spot dangerous behaviors and correct them even before an injury occurs. This adult should also be able to teach children the proper way to play a sport so that the children don’t hurt themselves.

Proper protective gear

Some sports require a list of protective gear and others require almost nothing at all. Don’t pass on any equipment that can protect your child. Sports equipment store associates can help you get every piece you need for the sport your child plays and ensure that the fit is right which is very important. Make sure that your child is aware of how to wear the gear and that they do if they want to continue playing their sport.


Although kids are generally full of energy and they don’t seem to have any issues moving around like some adults do, it’s still a good idea to do some stretching before they get right into playing. Help little ones warm up by doing a light jog or a little yoga before they start playing.


Everybody needs time to rest after exertion and children are no different. Quite a few injuries are caused by overworked joints and muscles. Have days off from training to allow the body to recover especially if training is rigorous in nature.


Kids often have a hard time remembering to drink when they’re having fun. Make sure they drink plenty before, during, and after exercise.

Caution to heat

Playing in the hot sun is inevitable in most sports. Be extra vigilant on those scorching hot days thought to avoid overheating. Remove gear on breaks to allow the body to get cool and remember to replenish fluids.

A good attitude

It’s very easy to get wrapped up in a sport and forget that, at the end of the day, it’s just a game. Don’t push your child to hard or allow themselves to get too emotional when it comes to playing a sport. There is a fine line between passion and obsession. Getting to worked up over winning can lead to lack of attention on playing safe and is not good for your child’s emotional well-being either.

A physical

Most teams require a doctor to sign off on a healthy physical before they allow your child to play, but even if they don’t, having a physical is vital to ensuring your child is healthy enough for activity. If there is a health concern, your child’s doctor can help address it and also give you advice on avoiding injury while playing.

A healthy diet

You get out what you put in. That saying is very true when it comes to eating. If you want your child to play well and be healthy you need to give them healthy fuel to keep them going. Make sure they eat well-balanced meals and have the right kinds of snacks to keep them going.

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