
Breast Milk/Feeding Facts

Breastfeeding is good for you and your child. Learn something new about your babies first source of food here.

There are so many benefits to breastfeeding, such as increased health and a bonding opportunity. Here are some facts you may not have known:

  1. Breastfeeding helps you lose your baby weight.  Producing breast milk is a lot of work, in fact it takes between 500 and 1,000 calories a day to produce it.
  2. Families who breastfeed save about two to four thousand dollars annually compared to the cost of formula.
  3. The makeup of milk produced changes based on what your baby needs nutritionally and as they age.
  4.  Babies are more likely to eat a larger variety after nursing if mom ate a variety for the duration of breastfeeding.
  5. Your chances of developing breast cancer are reduced by 6% for every year you breastfeed.

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