Baby / Child

Milestones You Don’t Want To Miss

Everyone is familiar with the list of firsts we wait with bated breath for baby to accomplish. Here are some firsts you may not have thought of.

  1. First full sentence. Of course, the first word is exciting but just wait untill they say a full sentence!
  2. First act of kindness. Doing good, like sharing or helping around the house, doesn’t exactly come naturally.
  3. First sport played. Whether it’s their first baseball game or swim match, the first one they participate in is still a first.
  4. First dance. A little baby boogie can melt your heart.
  5. First time they dress themselves.  They may not have the best sense of style, but that comes in time.
  6. First meal at a restaurant. It feels great knowing that you can leave behind baby food when you take the kids out to eat.
  7. First trip. We’re not talking trip to the grocery store. This is a big trip where you plan to stay away from home at least one night.
  8. First lie. No one looks forward to this, but it is a part of growing up.
  9. First desert. A taste of ice-cream, a lick of a lollipop, these are the things that make life sweet.
  10. First walk without a stroller. It will be slow going at first but walking sans-stroller gives you so much freedom you may never go back.

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